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Opening up After COVID

Jodi Forster-Molstad

Updated: May 20, 2020

Hello dear Pelvic Plus Physio Clients,

As we eagerly wait for the new normal when we can return to seeing patients in person, I would like to assure you that Pelvic Plus Physio will be ready. In addition to the regular infection control practices, these additional measures will be undertaken to ensure the safest therapeutic environment:

  • Staggered treatment times: to allow time between patients thereby eliminating patient cross over and point of contact, and to allow to fully clean all contact areas between patients.

  • Hospital-grade sanitation of all surfaces: including the front desk, doorknobs, bathrooms, as well as equipment, treatment tables in between each patient.

  • Hand-washing stations: On arrival, patients will be asked to wash their hands in the bathroom found immediately inside to the right. There will also be hand sanitizer available in both the reception and treatment rooms.

  • Appropriate personal protection equipment (PPE): will be in use, including surgical mask or visor worn by the therapist. Patients will be asked to wear a mask to the clinic, either a surgical or cloth mask. Surgical masks will be provided to those that do not have their own.

  • Pre-Screening: there will be pre-screening on appointment booking and again on patient arrival using the COVID019 Self-Assessment tool. Patients who do not pass the screening will be asked to reschedule their appointment until it is safe to do so.

Your health remains the top priority. I am greatly looking forward to helping you back on your path to achieving your health goals in the safest way possible!

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