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In-Person Appointments Available as of June 1st

Jodi Forster-Molstad

I am incredibly pleased to say that beginning on Monday, June 1st the clinic will be open for in-person appointments! The restrictions were lifted on May 27, 2020, and the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario published their guidelines for resuming a graduated, safe return to in-person appointments. I would like to express my gratitude to the amazing health care workers, the community, and my patients for their dedication and patience during the COVID-19 pandemic. I am also grateful to be able to do what I love once again and see all of you:)

Virtual care will remain available during this transition period and beyond. In order to ensure all of our health and safety, there will be additional infection control practices in accordance with these guidelines.

I am currently taking bookings for both previous and new clients for in-person and virtual appointments.

Please read through the directions below so you know what to expect when booking your next appointment:

  1. PRE-SCREENING: There will be mandatory screening for all patients and the therapist on booking of appointments and on arrival to the clinic. In-person care at the clinic will be provided when you and the therapist have decided that the benefits outweigh the risks.

  2. FACEMASKS & PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE): Please wear a mask to the clinic if you have one. A surgical or cloth mask is fine. If you do not have a mask, you will be provided with one. I will also be wearing a mask and gown.

  3. ON ARRIVAL & DURING TREATMENT: On entering the clinic, please immediately wash your hands in the bathroom directed to the right. You will then be taken directly to the treatment room. Please do not bring extra people to the appointment unless necessary. There will be hand sanitizer in the reception and treatment room.

  4. STAGGERED TREATMENT TIMES & PUNCTUALITY: Treatment times will be staggered to prevent patients from crossing paths in the common area, and to allow for extra time between appointments for the additional sanitization procedures to be performed. It is therefore important to be on time for your appointment. If you are running late for your appointment, please call ahead to determine the best plan of action before entering the clinic.

  5. INCREASED SANITIZATION: In addition to routine cleaning, all surfaces that have come into contact with the patient and therapist will be sanitized with hospital grade sanitizer that has been approved by Health Canada.

  6. PATIENT DOCUMENTS: Whenever possible, patients will be asked to print and complete questionnaires and forms prior to coming to the clinic to prevent the need to share writing materials. These can either be returned electronically or brought to your actual appointment.

I am greatly looking forward to seeing you all again, and to helping you back on your path to achieving your health goals in the safest way possible!

Please contact me by email @, phone @ 613-733-1638 or at to see if you are appropriate for an in-person appointment.

Very best regards,

Jodi Forster-Molstad, PT

Clinic Owner, Physiotherapist

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