Bach.of Science, Rehab. Med., Physiotherapy, University of Alberta, 1999.
Honours standing throughout
5 time Academic All-Canadian for involvement in track and field through university
Post-graduate training inclusive of:
Manual Therapy
Visceral manipulation: VM1, VM2, VM3, VM4 Barral Insitute
Neural Manipulation:
NM1 Barral Institute
Kinesiotape techniques
Graded Motor Imagery
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and Treatment:
Herman and Wallace - Foundations & Level 1
Pelvic Health Solutions: up to Level 7 inclusive of:
Incontinence, prolapse, and pelvic pain management
Men's health
Comprehensive management of bowel dysfunction
Neural Manipulation
Neuromodulation/neurodynamics​ Pelvic Health Solutions
Myofascial Release
The Assessment and Treatment of Mechanical Low Back Pain & Pelvic Girdle Pain - Telerehabilitation Friendly
Mindfulness & Meditation in a Healthcare Practice
Persistent Pain Management - APTEI
Various courses on integrating yoga & Qi Gong into clinical practice
Integrating Cognitive Behavioral Therapy into clinical practice - an introduction
McKenzie Part A: Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy - the Lumbar Spine